Ethic and Ant-corruption Commission EACC has today arrested Mrs. Truphena Eshibukule Omung’ala Akide, Secretary/CEO of the Busia County Public Service Board who purported to obstruct the Commission in the performance of its duties contrary to Section 27(3) as read with Section 27(4) of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act, 2003.
Akide, EACC says, has consistently refused to comply with orders of the Commission to avail evidentiary material being official documents required to facilitate ongoing investigations into allegations of corruption, abuse of office and illegal recruitment in the County Government.
She was apprehended at her office in Busia and escorted to EACC Bungoma Regional Offices to assist in the investigations.
This is not the first that officials in Busia County Government have attempted to resist corruption investigations.
Public officials are reminded that it is mandatory to cooperate and comply with all lawful orders issued in respect to an investigation.