In a disturbing case that has sparked outrage across Kenya, detectives from Bunyala Sub-County are currently in a hot pursuit of two...
In a distressing turn of events, Mr. Cornelius Waswa Khaemba, a dedicated Junior School teacher at Muyafwa Comprehensive School, has gone missing...
Okiya Omtatah’s life under threat over house levy court raw. Police Officers in Nyanchwa police station in Kisi region on Tuesday 19th...
Ethic and Ant-corruption Commission EACC has today arrested Mrs. Truphena Eshibukule Omung’ala Akide, Secretary/CEO of the Busia County Public Service Board who...
There has been a fatal accident along Kisumu Busia Roads. The accident involved multiple vehicles, a trailer, a PSV Toyota Hiace and...
A consignment of 12 sacks of marijuana was intercepted on Sunday night, the 27th of August by police, as it was being...
The Busia Senator and Human activist Hon Okiya Omtatah has said Kenyans are paying for non-existent SGR loans. The senator says that...
The High Court has reportedly suspended temporarily the implementation of the Finance Act, 2023 from taking effect for a week. This comes...
A number of six pupils of Ebenezer Academy and five other people died in a grisly road accident, Saturday Evening, 24th June...
Police, on Friday 9th June 2023 nabbed a G4S lorry transporting bhang from Busia to Nairobi. The marijuana, according to police reports,...
Reports reaching out desk says young man from Busia died by commiting suicide. The burial ceremony, according to Edga Wabwire was unfamiliar...