Reports reaching out desk says young man from Busia died by commiting suicide.
The burial ceremony, according to Edga Wabwire was unfamiliar to him.
At around 6PM, men and women emerged with Bamboos sticks and beat up the dead man till it cried.
They then proceeded to burry him after the incident which left onlookers in shock.
“I attended a burial ceremony in Busia, a young man died by suicide. The ceremony was unfamiliar. No viewing of the body.”
“At around 6:00pm old men walikuja na bamboo sticks, wakatoa maiti kwa sanduku wakamlaza mkekani then wakamchapa viboko hadi maiti akatoa machozi. Then wakakimbiza kuzika!” Said Edgar Wabwire in Twitter post.
One of the man familiar with the ordeal says it is done to anyone who dies by suicide, drowning or fire.
The victim is then burried at night with grave half filled untill the following day and service done.
“That’s true, from where i come from anyone who dies by suicide, drowning or by fire is buried during the night and the grave is half filled with soil until the following day when it’s fully filled and a service done the preceding day.”