Bungoma Governor Ken Lusaka is grieving the passing of his beloved mother, Lay Canon Rhoda Namaemba Lusaka, a respected figure in the...
In a powerful address at the Madaraka Day celebrations held at Masinde Muliro Stadium in Kanduyi, Bungoma County, President William Ruto underscored...
Bungoma, Kenya — A sea of patriotic fervor enveloped Masinde Murilo Stadium as thousands of Kenyans gathered to mark the 61st Madaraka...
In a shocking turn of events, a teacher from Bungoma tragically took his own life, reportedly due to what has been described...
Kakamega Officer Arrested for Extortion Following investigations into a complaint from matatu operators in Kakamega County, EACC on Friday reportedly arrested Monyenye...
Two police firearms that had been reportedly stolen from a GSU camp in Kopsiro, Bungoma County, on August 23, have been been...
A number of six pupils of Ebenezer Academy and five other people died in a grisly road accident, Saturday Evening, 24th June...
New Jerusalem sect leader Eliud Wekesa, known as Yesu wa Tongaren, appeared in court in Bungoma after police demanded more time to...